Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Year is coming!!!!

Hehe overexited nmpknya tuk menyambut New Year...

I got few list to be achieve this coming year..

and I really really hope this list will come true

Of course wit my own comitment also

I will post it on1st January 2010

Last week being so bz wit the interview

and another rejection from the company

maybe I'm not good enough for them

Last monday, went to 1borneo wit my sis and my mom

shopping wit my sis who is supposed to go back to U this week

But she postponed it untill end of this week

huh....juz like me..kekekeke

Last week,I went to 1Borneo wit my mom,twin and their mom

But I didn't buy anything coz nothing caught my eyes


Bring Hana & Hani playing games at 1Borneo

Friday, December 18, 2009

hate it

I hate when I'm feeling down
Juz like today
Feeling so down
Is there anyone who can help me to get rid of this feeling
Sumtime,we can't help from feeling so down
And right now,I'm not only feel so down but also feel so stupid
Don't know why
Juz don't ask me
So jealous when other people hv their own life
Life that they cherish so much
But why I don't ever feel like that
This is what I felt when I'm in this mood
And I really hate it

p/s maybe 2 is better than 1

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Salam Hijrah To all Muslim

Today I'm baking chocolate cake
But then some people seem to annoy me
Really hate that situation
But I'm not gonna talk bout that today
Yesterday I see 'My Oppa'
huhu...and 'he's so cute' ok..I know I'm juz like annoying fangirl...
kekekeke...but I don't care,maybe I should stop looking at him
and I really think I already stop myself from admire him
But when he show up infront of me..
everything is gone,I'm back drooling at him
yeah..I know....kind of stupid girl waiting for her dream come true..
while I know it's not going to..
I should start looking for a bf,so that I will make myself bz wit my new bf..
But I'm kind of choosy wit this kind of thing..
I can't juz pick random guy to be with..
becoz I already did that and the consequences is VERY BAD..
I'm not going to repeat the same scenario again

Lastly...salam Maal Hijrah to all muslim..

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

'His Voice'

Yesterday,going to Labuan wit my older sister..

Ingtkan dpt la cr keja,huh.. hampeh...

So, arini mcm besala jaga kedai my luvly father...

hehe..skrg ni tgh dengar lagu Seeya- His voice...

Jadi addict plak,when I listen to this song again n again...

huhu... mcm 2PM plak...again n again...

Rindula ngan oppa....jengjengjeng....hehe 'my oppa'...

kekekeke lama da x nmpk oppa...w/pun dia x pernah pndg..tp I don't care...

jadi 2NE1 plak aku...I don't careeeeeeee......

Hrp2 harini bleh nmpk 'my oppa'...


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Thinking hard >_<


Again,I didn't see him...

Really hate the day when I can't see him

When u wish he will be there, but he's not there 4 u

keep wondering..where is he???

Maybe I should let him go..and live my life

But...I juz can't

It's too hard for me

Why things suddenly become more and more complicated

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Yesterday, bf my sis punya father passed away...feel sad for him, smoga roh arwah dicucuri rahmat 

and be strong Kee... disebbkan berita yg x disangka2 ni kami pun diarahkan menutup kedai awal 

disebabkan my parent have to go there sebelum pengebumian dijalankan... harini plak sakit perut yg 

melampau2,huh and my father plak bw jalan lagi pi Beaufort temankan pi bank..huhu br ja abis tgk 

You're Beautifull episode 8...so sad,sobsob...ottukaji..'my star is crying in the dark'.....alamak,tlebih

plak...kekekeke.. okla got nothing to say..chow..

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Juz do it

I hate when people try to avoid their responsibility

I hate it when they try to put it into others shoulder

While they can do the job and that is their responsibility

But they rely on others to do that responsibility

Make me feel sick about them...

Is not I don't want to help

But try to think about it...

Not juz let it behind u and let others think 4 u....

Can u just accept fate, and not pretending to be like others...

Mianhe... I juz can't help it

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

You're Beautifull...

Since last week,I'm busy downloading korean drama 'You're Beautifull'...hehe cita ni mmg best giler la,cam hana kimi version korea but I like this drama than hana kimi....first time tgk mcm x best jer...tp bila da tgk ep.1 ,fuh... best sgt la...hehe trus jd addict plak ngan cita ni...and my sis sesuka ati dia ja ambik drama ni...penat2 aku download berhari2 n still not finish downloading untill now tp dia selamber jer ambik..huhu nasib bek adik aku...kekeke...tp cita ni mmg confirm x nyesal klu download,mmg best,sapa2 yg suka tgk coffee Prince hah memang aku syorkan tgk benda ni... and hero n heroin dia plak mmg aku minat,ditambah lagi ada Hongki (F.T Island) the blond guy in this drama is my favourite singer...and pelakon sampingan dia plak UEE dr After School...huhu mmg bestla sbb smuanya aku kenal..kekeke mcm kenal rapat la plak...maksudnya smua muka dlm cita ni mmg familliar la katakan...huh tuk org yg addict korea cam aku mmg la kenal...k la arini aman sket sbb sikembar x ikut pi kdi..hehe blehla layan internet lama sket...k la chow

Monday, December 7, 2009

According 2 u

Harini aku pi kedai membawa dua orang budak kembar yang nakal...huhu terpaksa la bw drang sbb teda org jaga klu dirumah...mak tua da jaga wafa nnt bergaduh plak drang ngan mak tua di rumah...jd bw la drang spy drang dpt bljr cara2 berbusiness..kekeke... iyala nnt klu drang da besar blehla tolong2 jg kedai yg byk berbakti ngan drang selama ni...n sekarang ni time aku tgh menaip2 ni Mak Long tengah mendera Hani memphtst.. sambil2 tu bergaduh2 jg la dorang,klu budak dua ekor ni ada ja di kdi mesti riuh rendah ja kdi ni jadinya...what can we do??? When the twins togehter,byk benda yg drang bleh buat...inilah klu dpt anak buah kembar ni...arini,aku kembali ke kedai,hehe mcmla lama da x pi kdi...smlm,Marni msg n inform me about program under SSTC,minat jg mau pi tp teda kawan plak...lgpun cam mls la mau study lg,beku da otak ni.Ingtkan Marni pun mau ikut program tu jg,tp dia x mau,dia saja ja inform aku mn tau aku mau pi...enthla masih dalam pertimbangan lagi,tp mcm mls plak mau ikut prog. tu..klu kerja trus minat jg,tp ni blum confirm pun dpt keja trus....k la chow mau smbg dgr lagu according to you by Orianthi....Beshhhhh Layan.....

~Acicsa wif Hana & Hani sikembar~

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Gambar Konvo with my family <3

~Alhamdulillah akhirnya aku da konvo~

Babysit Wafa Azzahra

Harini aku x pi kdi,sbb awal2 lagi my father asked me to stay home to babysit wafa,my newborn niece...sbb mom wafa pi keja...huhu...actually byk keja mau buat kat kedai sbb ada 3 buku lagi aku blm phtst n lagipun aku da janji ngan Na mau antr dia punya konvo pict. arini...huhu apa bleh buat nmpknya esok br aku dpt pos gmbr dia...hehe sian plak  si na lama da dia tggu gmbr konvo dia,bukannya apa aku ni pelupa sket...bukan sket ah tp byk...kekeke..so arini biarla adik n kakak aku yg smbg phtst buku tu plak.. Petang smlm lpas blik dr kdi, aku,nora,lina n sikembar went to the beach...ala  pantai kg pimping ja pun...hehe lama da x pi sana w/pun rmh dekat ja ngan pnti...Lepastu,teringt2 la ngan ums-kal..huhu ya la dulu kat hostel ari2 trun pi pantai ngan Marni..tp skrg mana bleh lg,rindu giler la mau hang out cam dulu lagi...sedih plak ingt,skrg ni masing2 ngan hidup sndiri...k la dua kali da wafa nangis..~wafa acicsa dtg~~~~~

~Wafa Azzahra~

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Early in da morning

Pagi2 ja bila kami smpi kdi,bgaduh ngan that crazy old woman...huh..naik darah trus gaduh ngan pmpuan tua tu.Td ada my fren yg sama umur n satu sekolah ngan aku dulu mphtst surat pengesahan jawatan dia..huhu jeles plak aku tgk taw...bila la aku mau dpt keja,kwn aku yg lain dah sah jawatan da dlm kerajaan tp aku plak msih lg trcari2 keja yg mcm x pndi dtg2...sobsob..But it's ok, maybe I should juz wait for it.Not juz wait la but also try looking for other job than waiting for spa... Last night,me n my father makan tgh mlm disebabkan letrik yg bengong di kg Pimping...huhu smlm teda letrik n aku tetido awal then bila terbangun tgh mlm perut lapar la plak...tetiba ada lagi org lapar selain aku,hehe sapa lagi klu bukan my father...like father like daughter,then kami pun mkn la pada jam 12 tgh mlm...kuikui..nasib baik dua2 kurus kering,jd bleh di maafkan la..eh, ya ka bleh maafkan ka tu...apa2 la..>_<...smlm aku da buat header tuk blog ni,best jg kan bleh edit2 gmbr ni,mcm semakin kreatif plak rasanya ....x apala biarla aku syok sendiri bukan ada orang mau puji pun saja ja puaskan ati...chow

~huhu bila la agaknya mo kena belanja sushi king lg..hehe~

Friday, December 4, 2009

Stress yg melampau2

Disebabkan kejadian yg menganggu minda aku yesterday,I felt so stress today...damn that crazy woman,and today still come to our shop asking for the scissor to do the same thing again...huh crazy old woman...semalam pmpuan tu bukak suar and cut bulu2 dia depan mata me and my sis..so stupid!!!...forget bout it..bikin panas pun ada...mmg la dia gila tp klu family dia pun x peduli ngan dia cam tu la jd nya semakin teruk and susah da mau control...okla cukup la da aku merapu2 sal pmpuan tua tu...jahat juga aku ni kan...yesterday I'm stalking my 'oppa' facebook...huh boring jg kan baca facebook org lelaki.asyik2 main game and layan amoi2 cntk ja...okla arini and next2 day aku x buat lg.......hahaha...

~Maybe I should juz shoot that crazy woman~

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

hate this part right here...

Hidup aku makin boring sejak akhir2 ni...I missed my old life,give me back my life.. tension...and everything yg sama waktu ngan nya.. w/pun da konvo tp aku blm lg dapat twrn keja,rasa mcm useless pun ada.. Mau jd independent girl kunun tp bila jauh sket ngan family mula la start merapu2 mau blik kg.. I really want to get away from here..I want to see the real me,jeles ngan kawan2 aku yg rmi da dpt keja..tp aku plak mcm teda perkembangan dr konvo aritu smpi la arini..so sad..org pun da start tgk lain2 ngan aku,ya la bljr tggi2 tp keja kat kdi phtst..mcm la jg kdi bukan keja..hina sgt ka keja ni..atleast I'm helping my parent.. not being selfish mau duduk rmh n dilayan bak puteri.. huh neway setelah lama x update blog aku sudah merapu..huhu chow for now.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I'm back

Lastly,i can open my blog.Sumthing wrong 4 last few days I can't open my blog.. I don't know wats wrong.Lama da aku abis praktikal but br arini aku dapat update blog,besala org pemalas cam aku ni mmg camtu,take time sket.. No idea la apa mau buat sepanjang menganggur ni,haha jaga kdi blik la namanya n kembali menjd stalker oppa yg terhebat...huhu.Sudah lima ari posa,hehe inda sabar rsnya mau ari raya..wa.. kuih raya pun blum buat ada ati mau raya da!!! huh..ingtkan mlm ni I want to make blueberry tart but my mum want me to wait for my sis to come back from KK then we do it together..huh berkobar-kobar la kunun sdh aku mau buat..siap beli bahan sdh mau buat tart..tp hampeh!!! kuikui..Sumthing happen last week and it's kind of sad becoz my lil sis bestfren just passed away..be strong my lil sis I know u can do it!!!.. so sad but Allah lebih menyayanginya so we hv to accept it dengan redha..Ingt mau upload gmbr2 time praktikal dulu tp da lmbt da nnt inda dpt plak aku bgn sahur,taula klu da lambat tidur mcm2 bakal berlaku pagi nnt.. kekeke.. k la gud nite.. and selamat bersahur..

Monday, July 13, 2009

Long time...

Harini mendaftar kat bahagian Pencegah,huhu boring sketla sbb teda keja yg bley kami wat..smuanya confidential..huh..ya la tu..jd keja aku ngan tini arini buat laporan n bergosip ja la...hehe..tghari plak mkn ngan bapa tini kat thien thien.. tp sana mmg boringla sbb x bley on9,enthla napa mgkn wireless x brapa ok kot..other than that,staff kat sana better than staff kat sepanggar,maybe sbb drang lebih friendly and senang sket bw berckp,bkn mcm kat sepanggar ssh btl bawa berckp mcm ada tongkol emas ja dlm mulut...hehe..br td cek facebook kwn2 lama,baru la tau perkembangan drang,lama da x dgr berita,rpnya rmi da yg abis blajar just like me...and rmi gak yg da kawin n yg bakal melansungkan perkahwinan, cuma aku ja blm ada perkembangan cam tu..it's okla blm jodoh lg,mgkn aku msih mau trus study,... I don't care la..yg penting abis blajar dulu k..chow

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Airport Pict..

antr wana and yg lain gi airport..huhu sedih

Friday, June 19, 2009

No Comment..

Last week I watched Movie wit my sis,movie 'Blood',it's a good story but kind of bored because u can predict the ending already,but at least it's better than 'Jgn pndg blkg Congkak'..penuh ngan lawak bodoh.Jln cita ni mmg best tp cara dorang buat lawak dlm cita ni x best sgt la,kadang2 tu I don't know why people laugh,maybe they juz want 2 laugh or it's really funny but for me it's not funny at all...cita 'blood' plak penuh ngan aksi,mmg best la aksi2 nya..x la boring sgt mau tgk.. and this week I watched 'Drag me 2 hell' wit Tini..hehe sian tini boring kat bilik,so,apa salahnya tgk wayang sama2..cita ni mmg menakutkan,penat sgt la tgk cita ni,penat menutup mata..haha..tp cita ni mmg suspen giler la,sapa2 yg suka tgk cita hantu,cita ni mmg ssuai utk org yg suka cita suspen2 ni...and aku ngan tini and yg lain2 da plan mau tgk transformer 2 mggu dpn..hrp2 plan kami menjadi la,ya la bila lg mau tgk wyg sama2. Lagipun group praktikal yg satu lg da nak abis da,so,ambikpeluang ni tuk tgk wyg sesama..ok la..nnt mau update gmbr plak,gmbr2 mggu lalu..kekeke

Monday, June 1, 2009

wit fren..

dua minggu da praktikal,hehe mcm x terasa la plak..kerja tu x la byk sgt tp bila blik kerja rs penat sgt la plak,mcm kerja berat la plak..huhu,inilah org x biasa kerja berat,...but actually its fun 2 know other people from ums kk.Last week,pi tgk wayang ngan tini,my new fren from ums kk..and apiz also.So fun watch muvie wit them becoz they are so funny,haha..lucky to be fren wit them.I hope everything will be fun during my industrial training.But writing report is my biggest problem right now,coz we don't hv many work to do so I don't know what 2 write.Today is a public holiday for Hari Kaamatan here in Sabah but I can't feel the celebration here..huhu..hv 2 go to work tomorrow,chow..

Monday, May 18, 2009

My first day

First day praktikal,hehe nervous gak la sbb x kawan,but I think all of them is very friendly.Lama da x update blog ni,bz sket memphotostat,besala business woman la katakan,haha kunun la.Tp ari pertama lagi boring da aku,duduk kat library dr pagi smpi ke petang,tido ja la keja aku..mcm besa.Klu ada internet thn gak la ni kena sruh baca buku la plak,confirm ah aku tetido.Dlm minggu ni maybe tu ja la keja kami terperap kat dlm library,sbb perancangan tuk kami blm lg ditetapkan.Pening gak la,sbb kami bukan ttp kat satu tmpt,tiap2 minggu tmpt yg berlainan.Tp bagus jg la,at least x la boring sgt.ok..time 2 sleep..

Friday, May 8, 2009


Lastly,exam da abis da...otak aku pun da beku da.Paper arini buat aku jd gila,haha ni la akibatnya bila da jd mls sgt.First,I already do my note for this paper since last week,but then ada khabar angin la plak mengatakan soalan dr exercise dlm class yg kuar exam.And I'm like a fool believe it juz like that,but actually it's true yg soalan dr exercise tu mmg kuar tp bukannya byk yg kuar and notes yg aku buat tu exactly byk yg kuar dr sana.Menyesal seribu kali pun x berguna.Memang sedih giler la,tp apa bleh buat otak aku mmg da beku utk subject last ni,jd aku bc jer la apa yg aku mampu..then this is the consequencesnya..serve me right.Then,br td melawat kawan2 ku yg akan kembali ke semenanjung & sarawak tomorrow..so sad,when will we meet again? Konvo la kan..hehe.I will send them to the airport tomorrow,saja ja mbuang masa aku yg mmg da byk terbuang ni,and time melawat drang dgr cita plak ada yg gado2 time da nak balik ni, saat2 terakhir kita kat sini pun msih nak gaduh n siap sumpah seranah lg kat ym tu,huh barula tunjuk belang bila nak blik.Sedih jg la tgk,ya la kita kan satu course HE20,tp last2 gado2 mcm tu plak,okla no comment bout that,hope all of us will get what we want in da future..Insya'Allah

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

study la kunun

1 week b4 my next paper,tomorrow I'm not going to on9 for 1 week..kununla but I try.I have to study...I hope i still can maintain my result, harap2 la.Sem.ni malas sket mau study,besala sem last la kunun..huh nyampah.Napa klu sudah mau abis study,student mesti malas mau study for final???? why?? hehe...juz like me la tu.Today I went to town wit my fren,saja jer release tension,tapi belajarnya teda la plak.Temankan kawan pi survey harga 'arak',haha lucu la plak,tapi bukan aku mau beli jg juz temankan kawan ja pun.Pi tengok2 tudung gak,tapi teda yg berkenan..ssh btul mau cr tudung yg ssuai ngan aku ni,ya la mau pki time internship nnt...saja ja mau beli tudung kat labuan ni,bila lagi mau beli,abis study da,sshla mau turun labuan tercinta lagi...pastu we go 2 museum labuan..I want 2 take pict. but i see the sign 'no camera' but some of visitors still take pict.But as a good citizen I'm not going to take pict. haha kunun la.First time pi museum,kat kk pun blm pernah gi museum lagi..hehe saja ja buang masa..tp bagus jg sekali sekala mendalami sejarah labuan n sabah..

Sunday, April 26, 2009


I already finished 2 paper ( strategic management and credit managment), and I feel I don't want 2 study anymore..haha.. but I got 3 paper left..tension.Td pagi aku mau gi jmpa ngan Mr. Brian,my supervisor for Latihan Industri.Tp teda plak Mr. Brian,huhu 4 kali da aku mau jmpa tapi dia teda.Mcm PM plak da,ssh btul mau jmpa.Dahla aku tension ngan exam,tambah masalah lagi Mr. Brian ni,cb la kesian sket ngan student ni,byk lagi benda mau kami fikir selain balik2 dtg jmpa dia.huhu nyampah.This afternoon I want 2 go see him again,i don't know what to do if he's still not in his room,can he juz inform us how to meet him,we know he's a busy lecturer but at least inform us so that we will not hv problem to see him.Argh..... hate this.

Beach Campus

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I can feel it

yesterday,we go to the beach and camwhoring,haha so funny and everyone look at us like we do something wrong...but actually it is so fun to go to the beach and enjoy it...play wit the water and enjoy the beautifull scenery in the evening,so refreshing and so lovely.I want 2 post the pict. here today but the internet is sooo slow 'mcm siput' smpi aku mau download movie pun x dpt,alamatnya dalam mimpi ja la aku download muvie...Love the song 'lollipop' by big bang and 2NE1,the song is catchy and luv how top voice sound here..the MV is so colourfull,and luv how jiyoung can wear the pink clothes and make it look so good in him.Top also look good wit the spectacles,I want it too!!!..as usual,taeyang wit his great dance move,so cute..and daesung wit his smile,so adorable..and lastly seungri with the big lollipop..no comment,not a big fan of seungri..Today is our last class for the whole sem and probably we are not going to see each other again after this..so sad.. but still hv exam this last month...rs mau muntah ja ingt ttg exam,actually I must score this sem. if I want 2 continue study in master,really hate how it sound,but it's a great opportunity for me in this recession..but don't know yet bout that,still thinking..

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

LolliPoP-Addicting SonG-

Credit : Wondersmurf@youtube

Monday, April 6, 2009

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Go or not???

I have only one class today and I think I don't want 2 go....becoz I'm too lazy..I don't know why our lecturer still want to have this tutorial class,because she already finish lecture us and just wait for the presentation to finish.We got 2 cases that not be present yet,but 4 our group we already present our cases last 2 weeks ago...So now,our group 'goyang kaki' ja la msuk klas... and I think I don't want to go to tutorial today,I'm sorry Madam Emily,I'm a lazy student.I want to g to the beach,there is only about 1 month,and I will leave UMS Kal.I'm gonna missed this uni. eventhough there is nothing interesting here,but for me I love this place and I want 2 go to the beach b4 I didn't hv time to do so.Exam will be in this month,and I think I will be bz wit the exam and my head will be full wit all the fact that i will memorize.haha... I'm still last minute student and I don't think it will change..Me & myself.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


waiting 4 our batch dinner this week,can't wait 4 it,eventhough it is not what I hope becoz it is juz a simple one... so sad because we though it will be grand dinner for us..but is not what we think,but still wait for it ,it is our first dinner for our batch.Br ja blik dr kg,and still tired.Very tired but laptop is the first thing yg 'melekat' ngan aku sejak aku msuk bilik..hehe,Balik kg coz I want to 'curi' my sis punya baju kebaya for dinner...hehe as usual la mmg itu yg aku slalu buat (curi bj org) kekeke...Ingt mau curi tudung sekali tp tudung pun dia tapau sekali pi Melaka.HUhu poor me... got no tudung 4 dinner..still got 2 assignmnt menanti but still no progress from me (malas) and still in vacation mood... best thing balik kg,I can see oppa...huhu my luck becoz oppa pun blik kg.Just coincidence but still appreciate it.Ok la..want to see my nickhun...chiow

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

[8][2][8][2]- [D][A][V][I][C][H][I]

When I said let's not meet anymore

When I said don't even call me anymore

Did you take it seriously,that wasn't it

Worried that it might over

Worried that I might lose you forever

My heart keeps on getting nervous

It gets so sad

What is affection,that it makes make me miss you 

I can't live without you

Gimme your call, baby baby

Call me right now

Gimme your call, baby baby

I wait everyday

At least leave me a message

That you love me,that you love me

Oh oh oh

Don't make me cry,No...

What do you do and where

How busy are you,

Maybe you don't pick up on purpose

Knowing that it's me

Have you forgotten me already

Have you closed your mind

you wouldn't leave me,I keep crying

What is affection,it's scarier than love

It's so hard to erase

Gimme your call, baby baby

Call me right now

Gimme your call, baby baby

I wait everyday

At least leave me a message

That you love me,that you love me

Oh oh oh

Don't make me cry,No...

What do you do and where

How busy are you,

Maybe you don't pick up on purpose

Knowing that it's me

Have you forgotten me already

Have you closed your mind

you wouldn't leave me,I keep crying

What is affection,it's scarier than love

It's so hard to erase

Gimme your call, baby baby

Call me right now

Gimme your call, baby baby

I wait everyday

At least leave me a message

That you love me,that you love me

Oh oh oh

Don't make me cry,No...

Call me, tell me, hold me

Tell me no

call me,tell me,hold me

You can't leave

Gimme your call, Baby baby

Look for me again

Gimme your call, Baby baby

I have something to tell you

I love you,I love you so  much

I shout for you oh oh oh..

I'll wait for you, no....

Call me, tell me,hold me

Tell me no

Call me,tell me,hold me

You can't leave

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Go on...

Last night I meet mack,never thought that she will came here,hehe cause there is nothing interesting here in Labuan...But its good to met her again,I didn't see her for a long time... make me miss my old fren from form 6,miss them sooooo much...hope will see them later,talking bout my fren,my best fren will getting engaged this week,I can't believe it feel juz like yesterday we finish high school togehter then now she's getting engaged,I hope they will make it,envy her so much,she already got job wit government and now she's getting engaged...huhu wat bout me????...hehe so I want to wish Masni Bt. Tajan hope you will live happily ever after wit your fiancee,Luv u soooo much Masni.. Miss our moment together,3 M together (masni,maralisa n mahiran)...Don't forget Mack n Farin too,miss all of u,when we will be able meet again,I hope that day will come..c u soon

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Jmpa Naja n Ika then take pict. together,wana is not in the pict coz she's taking the pict..hehe
After security class,waiting 4 tutorial..

Friday, March 13, 2009

Don't know y..

Today,our internet is not doing soooo good,but I think all of us here in UMS kal facing the same problem.. and I'm doing nothing for the rest of the day,becoz u know internet is my life,yeah my life here in UMS but not while I'm home.I still can't believe it,my last sem here in UMS is the worst sem of all,byk sgt assigmnt smpi kpala hotak aku ni cannot work anymore..So many problem untill I want to get the hell out of here...But as usual,w/pun byk assigmnt aku ttp buat bodo mcm teda assigmnt,and 1 week b4 assgmnt due br la start merayau2 cr jwpn,hah that's a good student,very good student,well done.Still thinking about my industrial training,I don't know if I'm doing my indust. training in KK I can do the final project well or not becoz there is a lot of problem there.Family problem.I can't tell more bout that,I don't think I can share it here eventhough there is only some people that can read my blog,but i still didn't believe that others can't read it.Maybe because of Mr Yu Beng (hehe sorrry mr.),I'm taking security and e-payment for minor subject this sem and this subj. teach me not to believe everything in the internet and internet is not very secure,eventhough u hv password 4 ur emel but others still can open it.There is many ways to do that,but I don't want 2 be Mr. Yu Beng here,hehe.C ya. 

Sunday, March 8, 2009

so frustating!!!!

SOmething terrible happened,and I don't want to talk about it just make me headache.. make me remember when I was 17 years old,I'm study eng. course in kk.And my sis came from labuan to kk,and I want to go and see her,but she give me a stupid instruction because I still can't found her untill I'm tired and cry like a fool in Center Point.When I'm facing the same damn thing again,I feel so dumb and so angry,because I hate long journey,it's make me tired and make my mood swing.One thing I realize about my self after 22 years live in this world..I can't stand long journey because it makes me damn tired.I've got nothing else to say and I don't think I want to say anything.Chiaw..

Friday, March 6, 2009

Jom balik!!!

hehe, Actually I hv a lot of assigmnt to finish this week and I hv presentation next week..but I want to go home... Boring sgt2 la kat sini,teda apa2 yg I can do selain do my assignment,don't u think my life is bored... huhu,besides sumthing happened last week but I can't go home becoz I hv midterm for security,and I got 17/30 for that midterm,but i think is ok for me becoz I didn't even touch my book b4 the midterm,I'm kind of lazy to read this sem..The same thing happened for my Strtegic Management paper,i didn't read my book,then lastly I got C+ for that paper,haha served me right... lazy girl like me...<3<3...my>

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Let's go girl!!

x cukup mndi ujan mndi air pancut lg..

Bendera kat atas x nmpk..hehe
Buang tebiat jln2 waktu ujan..

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

SM!!!! make me go crazy>>>>

I don't know why but I'm juz getting tired of meeting for SM( strategic management).So tired untill I want to throw up...We hv to do 6 cases for this subject but what we hv done untill now is only 3 cases and I already want to throw up when they say they want to do meeting again... what AGAIN!!! Only 3 cases and I want to die already,I hope we will finished it without any problem,becoz I already 'muak'.... so many meeting for this semester and I hate it... I prefer do the assignment myself than grouping bcoz it is annoying to wait for other member and discuss who want to do the job.. But if the assignment need a lot of people maybe I prefer work in group of 4,but wit someone that I'm comfortable wit.I hate myself for thinking for other people b4 doing anything for myself,untill I can't do anything that is satisfied myself juz becoz someone else.I really hate that.Internet is so slow this week,and I can't download any movie.So bored... yeah I know my life is bored.Tommorow I hv class in the morning,the only morning class that i hv in this semester.. hehe that's why I always wake up late in the morning..huhu...see ya.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Fall 4 u

The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting 
It could it be that we have been this way before? 
I know you don't think that I am trying 
I know you're wearing thin down to the core

But hold your breath 
Because tonight will be the night 
That I will fall for you over again 
Don't make me change my mind

Or I won't live to see another day 
I swear it's true 
Because a girl like you is impossible to find 
You're impossible to find

This is not what I intended 
I always swore to you I'd never fall apart 
You always thought that I was stronger 
I may have failed, but I have loved you from the start

Ohh, but hold your breath 
Because tonight will be the night 
That I will fall for you over again 
Don't make me change my mind

[ Fall For You lyric found on www.lirik.tv ] 
Or I won't live to see another day 
I swear it's true 
Because a girl like you is impossible to find 
It's impossible

So breathe in so deep 
Breathe me in, I'm yours to keep 
And hold on to your words 'cause talk is cheap 
And remember me tonight when you're asleep

Because tonight will be the night 
That I will fall for you over again 
Don't make me change my mind

Or I won't live to see another day 
I swear it's true 
Because a girl like you is impossible to find

Tonight will be the night 
That I will fall for you over again 
Don't make me change my mind

Or I won't live to see another day 
I swear it's true 
Because a girl like you is impossible to find 
You're impossible to find

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Today,we hv 'ceramah'  for our praktikal..huhu sooo bored, so that I bring my Ipod,bcoz I'm wearing tudung , I can hear it while listen to the talk,if u still can tell me listen to the talk than singing along with my Ipod..hehe.. In the morning we got two 'penceramah' from former student UMS kal and now already work and hv a stabil position in their field.I think its an interesting experience for us to share that kind of talk wit them but for the 1st speaker I think its queit bored the way he try to tell us about the working environment but for the second speaker I think she did a great job because the way she talk make me want to hear more from her.In the afternoon we got a talk from iCIMB about their company and their recruitment.From that, I learn that I'm not suitable for their company,becoz I dont think I can fullfill their need as their worker.They hv so high expectation for their workers,and I also think that banking is not for me.SO what is suitable for me? I also don't know..silly me..

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Tomorrow I will have midterm for my Strategic Management subject,but as usual u can see I still infront of my laptop and doing 'nothing' related to SM.What happened to me??? became lazy again and again... I juz read chapt.3 and can't continue anymore.When I try to read my head 'suddenly' become dizzy...yeah2 I know,that's what happen when u're too lazy to read ur book.Help me to answer tomorrow,haha even without studying,crazy me!!!.I'm sure my result will be dissapointing,but what can I do..huhu.I went to the 'pantai' this afternoon wit my ex roomate,missed her sooo much..I didn't talk with her for almost 5 months,I hv to meet her b4 we finish study,I'm gonna miss everything here,eventhough there is sumthing that I don't want to remember anymore... Chiow

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Legendary assasin

Juz finish watched legendary assassin,so sad.Huhu make me cry at the end,I hate it when they used girl to kill the hero.He have to fight with hundreds of men,omg it's not fair...arghhhhh I hate it,but its an interesting story for those who didn't hv 'keja' to do just like me... hehe going back to my old self,downloading movie non stop..hehe and I luv syok.org for downloading new movies for movieholic like me..and I also watched cyborg girl,japanese story in the afternoon,but i think legendary assassin is better than that one,bcoz cyborg girl is juz a bored story but I didn't say it is not good but for me legendary assassin is more interesting...I give 5 star to LA... hehe layan jgn x layan... Sebenarnya aku ni mau download CSI Miami tp disebabkan link kat syok.org tu x brapa ok utk CSI so I hv to download other stories la yg link nya I can used.Okayla cukupla merapu2 ni, mggu ni ada midterm,waaaa I'm too lazy to read book,I wish I hv a cyborg, hehe

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Juz finish my final presentation yesterday, eventhough I got bad comment from the panel but I think it's okay for me,but I still very sad because I already try my best and it effect my day for today because I can't even smile for today.I feel soooo lonely.Prof. say that I look like a school teacher,huhu maybe I'll be a school teacher,who knows right?.. I'm not in mood to write sumthing right now becoz u now... I'm sooooo stresssss.I hate this,I hope this feeling will go away.. chow.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Girls... Pay attention!

1) Guys may be flirting around all day, but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about....

2) Guys are more emotional than you think, if they loved you at one point, it'll take them a lot longer then you think to let you go, and it hurts every second that they try.

3) Guys go crazy over a girl's smile(:

4) A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to.

5) Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what?..uh...nevermind.." would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. And he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll obsess about it trying to figure it out.

6) If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice.

7) A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.


9) Guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. They rarely use beautiful or gorgeous. If a guy uses that, he loves you or likes you a whole heck of a lot.

10)If the guy does something stupid in front of the girl, he will think about it for the next couple days or until the next time he spends time with the girl.

11)If a guy looks unusually calm and laid back, he's probably faking it and he is really thinking about something

12) When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is guys rarely say that

13)When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying, "Please come and listen to me"

14)If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn't happen that often, so when it does, you know something's up.

15) When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking

16) Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them

17)A guy would give the world to be able to read a girl's mind for a day.

18)No guy can handle all his problems on his own. He's just too stubborn to admit it

Just because ONE is RUDE doesnt mean he represents ALL of them


21)Even if you dump a guy months ago and he loved you he probably still does and if he had one wish it would be you to come back into his life

Friday, January 23, 2009

Going home

Tommorow I'm going home for Chinese New Year break, eventhough it's a break but I got to do a lot of thing.Including my final presentation that I didn't start yet,I'm still looking for the suitable topic for my presentation,it's quiet difficult to choose a topic becoz I don't want any problem during my presentation day.Plus there is another assignment for Strategic Management that I really hate to do,because of too much reading to do and the most important thing is I hate READING!!!! huh.. Such a spoilt student,pardon me Miss Emily..hehe my SM Lecturer,she is a very good lecturer and what I really like about her is during tutorial she takes about 30 minutes to talk about her experience while she still study in here,and I think it is an interesting story to share wit all of us... And she also speak malay to make sure that we understand every word that she says, well u know my english is not very good...huhu besala klu ckp malay lagi senang mau faham kan???? kekeke betulka tu eh... and arini once again mata aku naik pening satu ari ngadap laptop disebabkan mau sgt abiskan download Pecah Penjara ni..last2 kepala aku pening semacam.Dahla internet slow siot, and I didn't even open utube today, pecah rekod la satu ari x bukak utube..tau2 la org gila download ni,mn bleh lepas utube.. but nevermind,utk scoffield aku sanggup...scoffield kajima!!!!