Sunday, March 29, 2009


waiting 4 our batch dinner this week,can't wait 4 it,eventhough it is not what I hope becoz it is juz a simple one... so sad because we though it will be grand dinner for us..but is not what we think,but still wait for it ,it is our first dinner for our batch.Br ja blik dr kg,and still tired.Very tired but laptop is the first thing yg 'melekat' ngan aku sejak aku msuk bilik..hehe,Balik kg coz I want to 'curi' my sis punya baju kebaya for dinner...hehe as usual la mmg itu yg aku slalu buat (curi bj org) kekeke...Ingt mau curi tudung sekali tp tudung pun dia tapau sekali pi Melaka.HUhu poor me... got no tudung 4 dinner..still got 2 assignmnt menanti but still no progress from me (malas) and still in vacation mood... best thing balik kg,I can see oppa...huhu my luck becoz oppa pun blik kg.Just coincidence but still appreciate it.Ok la..want to see my nickhun...chiow

1 comment:

  1. cess... bj mana lg yg ko 'simbat'? mesti kain x dpt zip kan... ba tau!
